知我的人都知道,此次游学主要目的还是看世界,我是因为一部电影去布拉格朝圣的。 醉翁之意不在酒,但却阴差阳错进到欧洲最古老的大学之一(始于1348年),跟着最资深的教授学习(70高龄但头脑还是很灵敏),城市价廉物美(MYR30可以吃到大大的猪脚猪排骨,当啤酒比矿泉水便宜时),治安良好,风景美丽如画,人亲和友善,身为大学生要穷游的我还有什么好嫌的呢?只能说我真的太幸运了!特把申请过程一一写下,让对欧洲有梦想的医学生不再纸上谈兵,你也能这样游学体验!
我与德高望重的教授们。 |
【Medical elective in LF3, Charles university in Prague, Czech Republic】
Charles University, founded in 1348, is the oldest university on central Europe. There are 5 medical faculties in Charles university, with 3 in Prague (LF1,LF2,LF3) and 1 in Hradec Kralove and 1 in Plzen.
【Why LF3?】
Both LF3 and Hradec Kralove accept international student for FREE. LF1’s teaching hospital accepts student at 60 Euro/day.
2) Near the city center of Prague
It is located in Praha 10, 13 minutes away from the city center by car, 30 minutes by public transportation. Hradec Kralove is located 50 minutes away by car.
The city centre of Prague. Prague Castle, Charles Bridge and Vltava river |
3) low living cost, compared to other EU countries.
Czech Republic is one of the cheapest country to live/travel in Europe. The currency used is Czech Koruna (CZK). 1MYR~6CZK. The living cost is similar as in Malaysia. There are supermarkets available like Tesco there. To give you an idea of cost, 30eggs for 87 CZK, cheapest bread 1.7 CZK/bread. A meal outside ranged from 200-300CZK, but trust me, it’s in a huge portion and can be shared by two.
Their canteen food. CZK 90~RM15. |
The staffs are so friendly and efficient. They reply emails within few hours during their working hours, and I got my acceptance letter a month later. The application process was so smooth. All process is listed in the PDF file at the link below. Feel free to ask.
The hospital. |
I am given a room, shared with other Neurologist. They treat me like a doctor! |
Me and my roomate. DOBREE DEN! (Hi) NA SKLE DA NOU! (See you again/Good bye) |
Hi ! May i know how to apply medical elective programme at 3rd faculty of charles university ?
ReplyDeleteHi. U can refer to the Dropbox link above. Hope u have a pleasant trip:)